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April 1 - April 30, 2021

Cal State East Bay Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Electricity Watch a Video about Methane Digesters
    What does your vision of a sustainable community look like? What would need to be changed in order for such vision to become reality?

    Nikita Bangera's avatar
    Nikita Bangera 4/27/2021 11:28 AM
    My vision for a sustainable community is based on a show on Netflix called "The Good Place" where the afterlife is a place free of climate crises, inequality, racism, and every bad thing that happens on Earth. One where everyone is mindful of their impact on the environment, may it be their behavior towards their surroundings or the people around them. But sadly, it seems out of reach. 
    Health and Education Connect With A Nonprofit
    What are the most pressing issues for women, girls, and trans/nonbinary people in your community?

    Nikita Bangera's avatar
    Nikita Bangera 4/27/2021 11:14 AM
    Female infanticide, domestic violence, acid attacks, rape, harassment, dowry, lack of education, control of property, insufficient access to sanitation facilities are just some of the issues faced by women, girls, and trans/nonbinary people in your community. 
    Food, Agriculture, and Land Use Zero-waste Cooking
    In North America, up to 65% of food waste happens at the consumer level. Chef Steven Satterfield advocates for utilizing every part of a vegetable. How can you incorporate using an entire vegetable, including the skins, tops, and stalks during your next meal prep?

    Nikita Bangera's avatar
    Nikita Bangera 4/27/2021 11:06 AM
    For a Russian History class, one of my assignments was to make 'Borscht' which is a kind of soup (2019). It can include any and all vegetables of your liking. And the recipe that my Professor had provided incorporated using the entire vegetable.
    Electricity Calculate My Carbon Footprint
    What stood out to you most about your carbon footprint? What surprised you or sparked curiosity? Where can you take most immediate action?

    Nikita Bangera's avatar
    Nikita Bangera 4/27/2021 10:54 AM
    What stood out to me the most was the amount of CO2 emissions due to the number of flights I take every year. But the pandemic has changed that. I'll try to take fewer flights. 

  • Nikita Bangera's avatar
    Nikita Bangera 4/27/2021 10:45 AM
    Only four days left in the eco challenge! Let's go
    Buildings Learn about the Legacy of Redlining
    How does city planning and design relate to equity and climate change?

    Adrien van Dyke (she/her)'s avatar
    Adrien van Dyke (she/her) 4/23/2021 4:21 PM
    Many BIPOC communities are more heavily impacted by the effects of climate change because of city planning. Neighbourhoods that have less green space in cities can be up to 11 degrees hotter (celsius) than neighbourhoods that have more green space. Red lining and city planning also impacts the availability or services like grocery stores, public libraries, and medical supports. The lack of access to these services has extirpated many health disparities. Another big impact of redlining has been its effects on the increasing racial Wealth Gap. Housing practices have a direct impact on who is able to own a home and build generational wealth from that property ownership.
    Land Sinks Forest-Friendly Foods 1
    How is your diet currently impacting deforestation? What can you do to decrease your negative impact and increase your positive impact?

    Sharn Basi's avatar
    Sharn Basi 4/23/2021 10:47 AM
    I found this great .pdf with lots of information. The author accumulated the findings from like a dozen research projects.

    Industry Find a Local Climate-Friendly Supermarket
    How close is the nearest climate-friendly supermarket to your home? How could you encourage local supermarket to reduce or phase out their use of HFC refrigerants?

    Sharn Basi's avatar
    Sharn Basi 4/23/2021 10:44 AM
    The closest market to me is in Concord. :( Maybe I'll visit the next time I go to lab!
    Electricity Calculate My Carbon Footprint
    What stood out to you most about your carbon footprint? What surprised you or sparked curiosity? Where can you take most immediate action?

    Jillian Buckholz's avatar
    Jillian Buckholz 4/23/2021 10:00 AM
    Had a great discussion about the film "Kiss the Ground" with the CSUEB SustainEastBay Club that sparked people measuring their carbon footprint. Interesting way to see your impact.
    Industry Go Paperless
    What do you want to prioritize over material 'stuff' in your own life?

    Adrien van Dyke (she/her)'s avatar
    Adrien van Dyke (she/her) 4/22/2021 6:41 PM
    Experiences and time outside with others!