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April 1 - April 30, 2021
Holly Windom's avatar

Holly Windom

Comerica Michigan Green Team

"To enjoy this life on this planet while I'm able. "


  • 0 TODAY
  • 535 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    being mindful

Holly's actions


Find a Local Climate-Friendly Supermarket

Refrigerant Management

I will explore the interactive map in the links below to find a supermarket that does not use HFC refrigerants near my home.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Eat Mindfully

I will eat all of my meals without distractions, e.g., phone, computer, TV, or newspaper.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Mulch the Base of Trees and Plants

Farm Irrigation Efficiency

I will prevent water runoff and increase absorbency by mulching the base of trees and plants in my yard.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Smaller Portions

Reduced Food Waste

I will use smaller plates and/or serve smaller portions when dishing out food.


Health and Education

Research Barriers to Participation and Representation

Health and Education

I will spend at least 10 minutes learning more about the barriers to women's equal participation and representation around the world.


Health and Education

Support Businesses Owned by Women, BIPOC, or Immigrants

Sustainable Intensification for Smallholders

I will spend 10 minutes researching businesses owned by women, immigrants, and Black, Indigenous, and people of color that I can support when shopping.



Calculate My Carbon Footprint

All Drawdown Solutions

I will calculate the greenhouse gas emissions associated with my household and consider how different lifestyle choices could reduce my negative impact on the environment.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Holly Windom's avatar
    Holly Windom 4/30/2021 8:16 AM
    Thanks for reading my post. Let's end this will a talk about portions. Well this is not a favorite topic but surely the results show on the weight scale. I can easily eat small portion or recommend sizing of food with things I'm not crazy about. I consider my self a "Foodie". I'll try anything not moving and considered normal food once. The hard part is dessert I call a deadly sin. I once tried the ice cream single serving (weight watches portion) well I enjoy 4 in one setting which was every favor! I tried to eat off lunch plates at dinner that works well. I tried to cut all my treats in portions like eating chips from a 16 oz cups and a handful of nuts. My downfall is Roasted Coconut Lemon Custard Cake. Ok I failed this portion thing too . Pray for me.     

  • Holly Windom's avatar
    Holly Windom 4/28/2021 8:35 AM
    When this process is over. I'm sorry I will go back to eating and watching TV. Mindfully fixing my plate I willing to be more aware of portions and selection of healthy food. Eating in silence is not a treat for me its a task. I'm just a people person and the covid-19 has not changed the fact that I enjoy company when I'm dinning. Ok I failed this task but I'm try again next time. 

  • Holly Windom's avatar
    Holly Windom 4/26/2021 5:43 AM
    I love public access TV. It has so much content on different topics. With it being Earth week they were so many things I learn from this program. How to assistance the adults who have low reading skills. How to support equality. How to support farmers and how to understand this crazy covid-19. The test and vaccines we all need them but some of us are afraid to get it. Life is short I personal know of 75 friends and family that past in 2019-2020-2021 with out it. I got both of my shots. Please pray over this choice. The best to YOU!. 

  • Holly Windom's avatar
    Holly Windom 4/22/2021 7:02 AM
    I tried a new store on Livernois in Detroit, MI called Bronzed N Glow - Alikay Naturals products for my grand daughter deep hair conditioner. Great product great price point. Black women owned. Lots of choices. i will return to purchased more items.

  • Holly Windom's avatar
    Holly Windom 4/20/2021 7:17 AM
    Women's program on public access tv in Mi is channel 56 has been doing a series on equality for women. I viewed a program about women doctors in the late 1800's . The hard time they showed us they had finding a school just to train them and some when to another country just to learn new processes and procedures. They where not valued by male counter parts or trusted by their patients. WOW ,when and it's 2021 do we as a people learn to value a person as a person not by the color or their skin or the gender they ID by but by their character and knowledge. When, I ask again when? Yes, your part is to step out on faith and trust a professional who does not look like you with your health, wealth or education. Best of Luck to you. 

  • Holly Windom's avatar
    Holly Windom 4/19/2021 5:32 AM
    Eating without a distraction when you live alone is hard. Dead silent while eating can be lonely. I so use to eating watch TV or listening to radio. I did not even read a book while I was eating (that what I do when I travel alone) . I can hear the traffic on my street and bird singing. Not sure I will continue but I'm aware my dinner plates may be to large. 

    • Mari-Lynn Flaig's avatar
      Mari-Lynn Flaig 4/20/2021 6:50 AM
      I am trying this time to use smaller dinner plates and it seems to work for me - and I hear you about how silent the house can be without the tv on or the radio. We bought a few parrots these last few years and it cured the silence. My biggest issue now is that when they hear the plates come out, they think it's time for their lunch too!

  • Holly Windom's avatar
    Holly Windom 4/16/2021 8:59 AM
    Last night Channel 56 in Detroit Public access channel did a documentary on Women at MIT and unequal pay. These women in 2011 protest and won and sadly in some companies and protest is still in order. Thanks MIT President for doing something no just watching the protest.  
    Electricity Calculate My Carbon Footprint
    What stood out to you most about your carbon footprint? What surprised you or sparked curiosity? Where can you take most immediate action?

    Holly Windom's avatar
    Holly Windom 4/14/2021 8:37 AM
    That my carbon footprint is huge!!!! I make efforts to be as the kids say (WOKE) about doing my part in the world. I not great do to I drive everywhere and I go someone where almost everyday. The appliance I use are energy worthy but I still use them way to much. I live in MI and I have to start walking my area everything is with in a mile. Post Office, Bank, Store & family. At least one a week I going to walk to one of these.
    Health and Education Research Barriers to Participation and Representation
    What are some of the barriers that exist to women's equal participation and/or representation in your community?

    Holly Windom's avatar
    Holly Windom 4/14/2021 8:27 AM
    If you are over 50 sign up for AARP. They have weekly email articles directing, valuing, instructing women on how to get involve and expect to be treat equally. Actually this is really sad. In 2021, we as a people are still under valuing each other with things like gender, race and financial status. This is my soap box and i will stand proudly on it. You need pray if you feel or do actions in anyway to hold back another human being that does not look like, talk like and or dress like you. Not one of us perfect and all of us take a breath of air (God's air) in our bodies to keep on living. So no matter how you where raised consider your actions may really hurt and or stop others from being successful. This world is big enough for all of us. I think we would be surprised that the  power/money/control of this world would shift to include instead of exclude people/women. Start here and now with you. Try one time one thing to treat someone equally as you want to be treated. Be brave stop following poorly lead generation crowds.
    Health and Education Support Businesses Owned by Women, BIPOC, or Immigrants
    Globally, women typically invest a higher proportion of their earnings in their families and communities than men. What have you done in the past to support women-owned businesses? How can you better support communities by supporting women?

    Holly Windom's avatar
    Holly Windom 4/12/2021 12:42 PM
    Last week I purchase mask from a crafter on Instragram and or Facebook They were reasonably price, well make, soft material. Also, they came quick in the mail. Try following "parkside_and_wisconsin" for very nice craft items. Dolls, Hats, shawls, key chains, purses, T-shirts to come. Female owner.