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April 1 - April 30, 2021
Courtney Groszhans's avatar

Courtney Groszhans

CLEAResult Consulting Inc.


  • 0 TODAY
  • 885 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    meatless or vegan meals
  • UP TO
    spent learning

Courtney's actions

Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Reduce Animal Products

Plant-Rich Diets

I will enjoy 2 meatless or vegan meal(s) each day of the challenge.


Health and Education

Support Businesses Owned by Women, BIPOC, or Immigrants

Sustainable Intensification for Smallholders

I will spend 30 minutes researching businesses owned by women, immigrants, and Black, Indigenous, and people of color that I can support when shopping.


Land Sinks

Learn More about Silvopasture


I will spend at least 25 minutes watching videos and/or reading about the environmental benefits of silvopasture.



Learn about the Legacy of Redlining

Multiple Solutions

I will spend at least 20 minutes learning about the legacy of redlining and how city planning and environmental justice issues are interconnected.



Practice the 5 R's


I will Practice the "5 Rs" — refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle — to reduce my waste more than I can with just recycling alone.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Support Indigenous Peoples' Land Management

Indigenous Peoples' Forest Tenure

I will donate to Native American Rights Fund, which protects tribal natural resources and environmental rights and promotes Native American Human Rights.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Courtney Groszhans's avatar
    Courtney Groszhans 4/30/2021 11:55 AM
    This EcoChallenge, I ate less animal products, learned about silvopastures, started a book about redlining in communities, donated funds to environmental causes, and researched local businesses owned by women and bipoc. I still need to work on the "refuse" portion of the five Rs and try to cut down on my waste from the grocery store. Thank you to everyone for joining in, and please share on the feed what you learned this EcoChallenge!
    Land Sinks Learn More about Silvopasture
    Had you heard of the term "silvopasture" before now? After learning more about it, what do you think is the biggest advantage of silvopasture?

    Courtney Groszhans's avatar
    Courtney Groszhans 4/29/2021 7:48 PM
    I had not heard of the term "silvopasture" before now. I think the biggest advantage of silvopasture is the relationship between humans and forests. It creates a relationship between people and the forest, where they both depend on each other. People can get rid of invasive species in forests and the forest can provide plants to livestock.

  • Courtney Groszhans's avatar
    Courtney Groszhans 4/29/2021 10:17 AM
    We have two days left, team! Make sure either today or tomorrow you complete any tasks you still have to do! Thank you everyone for being so inspiring, I have really enjoyed reading everyone posts!
    Food, Agriculture, and Land Use Support Indigenous Peoples' Land Management
    Indigenous speaker and activist Winona LaDuke says that, "most indigenous ceremonies, if you look to their essence, are about the restoration of balance — they are a reaffirmation of our relationship to creation. That is our intent: to restore, and then to retain balance and honor our part in creation." Why is balance important to sustainability?

    Courtney Groszhans's avatar
    Courtney Groszhans 4/13/2021 5:21 PM
    Balance is very important to sustainability. I read Robin Wall Kimmerer's "Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teaching of Plants" (which I highly recommend) and she talks about how humans can have positive impacts on plants and animals, not just negative. We are out of balance now and that has created many environmental problems. 
    Industry Practice the 5 R's
    What are some more "R's" you could add to your daily practice to reduce your waste?

    Courtney Groszhans's avatar
    Courtney Groszhans 4/08/2021 4:59 PM
    Refuse! This one is the hardest by far. Refusing to buy single use plastic. So much of our foods are wrapped in single use plastic containers, and it's hard to refuse them! But as far as consumption of clothing & cosmetics, refuse is easier for me. By limiting how much we consume, the better off our planet will be. 
    Food, Agriculture, and Land Use Reduce Animal Products
    Why do people in richer countries eat more meat than people in other places? How does eating more meat affect our bodies, our planet, and other people?

    Courtney Groszhans's avatar
    Courtney Groszhans 4/08/2021 4:56 PM
    Meat is expensive, so richer countries eat more meat. I read somewhere that if Americans were vegetarians for one day out of the week, that we could drastically help the planet. It reinforces that small actions can make a huge impact. 
    Health and Education Support Businesses Owned by Women, BIPOC, or Immigrants
    Globally, women typically invest a higher proportion of their earnings in their families and communities than men. What have you done in the past to support women-owned businesses? How can you better support communities by supporting women?

    Courtney Groszhans's avatar
    Courtney Groszhans 4/08/2021 10:45 AM
    Being more aware of where you spend your money is so important. I can be better at knowing what businesses are owned by whom. My grocery store has a section for women-owned local businesses and I like learning those brands, so I can support them.

  • Courtney Groszhans's avatar
    Courtney Groszhans 4/01/2021 10:57 AM
    I have been saving glass containers to reuse instead of buying reusable containers. I reuse them in the bulk section of the grocery store. I also reused my mayo container for a vase!