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April 1 - April 30, 2021
Campbell Abernathy's avatar

Campbell Abernathy

Asheville High School Spring 2021!

"I want to learn about climate change solutions and more sustainable lifestyle choices."


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Campbell's actions


Learn about 'Green Gentrification'

Multiple Solutions

I will spend at least 45 minutes learning about green gentrification and how it relates to city planning for climate action.



Watch a Video about Methane Digesters

Methane Digesters

I will watch a video about methane digesters (also commonly known as anaerobic digesters).



Learn More About Geothermal Energy

Geothermal Power

I will spend at least 35 minutes learning more about the energy generation potential of geothermal energy and consider investing in this technology.



Learn More about Biomass

Biomass Power

I will spend at least 30 minutes learning more about the energy generation potential of biomass.


Land Sinks

Research Peatlands

Peatland Protection and Rewetting

I will spend 30 minutes researching the environmental benefits of peatlands and what is being done around the world to conserve and restore them.



Research the Climate Impact of Refrigerants

Refrigerant Management

I will spend 50 minute(s) learning about the climate impact of refrigerants and what climate-friendly refrigerants are by using the links below.




Bioplastics are a promising solution to plastic waste and climate change… but they aren’t necessarily sustainable. Find out why!


Land Sinks

Learn about Temperate Forests

Temperate Forest Restoration

I will spend at least 15 minutes learning more about the environmental services provided by and the environmental issues affecting temperate forests.


Land Sinks

Forest-Friendly Foods 1

Tropical Forest Restoration

I will spend at least 35 minutes researching the impact of my diet to see how it contributes to deforestation.


Land Sinks

Learn More about Silvopasture


I will spend at least 20 minutes watching videos and/or reading about the environmental benefits of silvopasture.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates

Reduced Food Waste

I will spend at least 30 minutes learning how to differentiate between sell by, use by, and best by dates.


Health and Education

Research Barriers to Participation and Representation

Health and Education

I will spend at least 45 minutes learning more about the barriers to women's equal participation and representation around the world.


Health and Education

Learn about the Need for Family Planning

Health and Education

I will spend at least 50 minutes learning more about the need for family planning globally.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Buildings Learn about 'Green Gentrification'
    Cities and towns need to plan for climate change. How can your city or town make its climate action plans equitable and socially just?

    Campbell Abernathy's avatar
    Campbell Abernathy 5/04/2021 10:33 AM
    My city can make sure their plans are equitable and socially just by making sure they don’t push out lower-income residents while trying to improve the climate. Everyone deserves a safe and affordable living environment, so don’t ruin that by giving more housing to the people who don’t struggle with finding a place to live.
    Electricity Watch a Video about Methane Digesters
    What does your vision of a sustainable community look like? What would need to be changed in order for such vision to become reality?

    Campbell Abernathy's avatar
    Campbell Abernathy 4/29/2021 9:59 AM
    My vision of a sustainable community looks like everyone working together to create a healthier and happier planet, and working as hard as we can to reverse global warming so that we can establish a safer living environment. The first thing we would need to change is just our mindset. Many people don't care about the environment, and that makes it very difficult to create a positive impact on this planet.
    Electricity Learn More About Geothermal Energy
    Geothermal energy is reliable, abundant, and efficient. Project Drawdown states that public investment will play a crucial role in its expansion. In what ways (i.e. with money, time, advocacy) can you invest in geothermal energy?

    Campbell Abernathy's avatar
    Campbell Abernathy 4/29/2021 9:27 AM
    I think that advocating for geothermal energy is the first step, along with educating myself and others on this topic. But also something like paying attention to where my money goes could be very helpful as well.
    Electricity Learn More about Biomass
    Had you ever heard of biomass technology before you took this challenge? What did you learn that surprised you? Share your new knowledge with your friends!

    Campbell Abernathy's avatar
    Campbell Abernathy 4/27/2021 11:11 AM
    I had heard of it, but I didn’t really know what it was. While learning about this, some things that surprised me were that animal feces could be used as a source of electricity, and that we could potentially transform our fossil-fuel power to 100% clean and renewable energy.
    Land Sinks Research Peatlands
    Much of Indonesia's peatlands have been drained so they could be replaced with palm oil or pulp and paper plantations. How can you make choices that help to protect peatlands, even if you live far away from one?

    Campbell Abernathy's avatar
    Campbell Abernathy 4/26/2021 8:59 AM
    Education is always the first step, you need to be educated on the topic before you are able to help, and you should educate others so that they know how to help as well. If you do live far away from a peatland, you can still advocate for peatlands to be protected. Also, you can pay more attention to what you’re eating. Stay away from foods that come from trees or other plants that are grown in peatlands.
    Industry Research the Climate Impact of Refrigerants
    What did you learn about the climate impact of refrigerants? How do supermarkets contribute to this impact?

    Campbell Abernathy's avatar
    Campbell Abernathy 4/23/2021 9:24 AM
    I learned that refrigerants negatively impact the environment because of the CFCs they contain (not all contain CFCs because CFCs were banned in the 90s). These CFCs destroyed the ozone layer creating a hole above Antarctica. Now they are replacing CFCs with HCFCs which are more effective and are better for the environment. Supermarkets contribute to this problem because of the many refrigerators they have in the stores to keep products cold.
    Industry Bioplastics
    What concerns you the most about how we are affecting the planet? Consider both local and global actions.

    Campbell Abernathy's avatar
    Campbell Abernathy 4/23/2021 8:41 AM
    There many concerns that I have regarding the way we treat the Earth. Whether it’s as simple as littering, or as big as companies not telling us how much carbon dioxide they are releasing into the environment, it’s all bad. Yes, maybe some things are out of your control, but that doesn’t mean everything is out of your control. Even doing something little like picking up a piece of trash on the side of the road or skipping meat for a day, all help. What concerns me is the fact that many people don’t care. They know they are harming the planet and don’t do anything to fix it, they see that piece of trash on the side of the road and just leave it there. There are so many simple things you can do to help the planet, but the fact that there are people who would rather harm the planet so they can still do those things is just disheartening.
    Land Sinks Learn about Temperate Forests
    As you learn more about the scope and seriousness of the environmental challenges we face, what impact does that have on your thinking and actions? What are the parts that feel overwhelming? What parts help you feel hopeful?

    Campbell Abernathy's avatar
    Campbell Abernathy 4/20/2021 9:44 AM
    The more I learn about the environmental challenges we face, the more I want to help out and fix some of the problems we are experiencing. There are so many things going on that negatively impact the environment that I can’t control, but I might as well do what I can to help out the things I can control. The parts that feel overwhelming are the things I can’t control and knowing that there are people who simply don’t care about the environment. I can’t control other people, but I can control myself, so I should do the best that I can to help out the environment even if other people don’t. What makes me feel hopeful is knowing that there are lots of other people who do care about the environment and are doing everything they can to help out. 
    Land Sinks Forest-Friendly Foods 1
    How is your diet currently impacting deforestation? What can you do to decrease your negative impact and increase your positive impact?

    Campbell Abernathy's avatar
    Campbell Abernathy 4/19/2021 10:06 AM
    Some things I do that are affecting deforestation are: drinking a lot of coffee, eating a little more meat than I probably should, using more palm oil and palm oil products than I should, and definitely a lot more. I think something that will help me decrease those negative impacts is to be more aware of what I am using and putting in my body. For example, if I read more labels, I could get things with less palm oil in them. If I remember I had meat the day before, maybe skip out on meat that day. Instead of drinking coffee every day, only drink coffee when I’m exhausted and need a boost of energy for the day, things like that.
    Land Sinks Learn More about Silvopasture
    Had you heard of the term "silvopasture" before now? After learning more about it, what do you think is the biggest advantage of silvopasture?

    Campbell Abernathy's avatar
    Campbell Abernathy 4/16/2021 10:49 AM
    I had not heard of the term silvopasture before now. I think the biggest benefit is the treatment of the livestock and the fact that it is helping the environment at the same time. It is reducing stress on the livestock and raising them in a healthier and happier environment, while also reducing carbon that’s in the atmosphere.