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April 1 - April 30, 2021

Lean Green Mean Team Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Kathryn Davidson's avatar
    Kathryn Davidson 4/30/2021 2:57 PM
    I had been getting lazy about certain things, so I sharpened up my act. 

  • Krista Rivera's avatar
    Krista Rivera 4/30/2021 2:10 PM
    Happy day 30, everyone! :)

  • Krista Rivera's avatar
    Krista Rivera 4/29/2021 5:57 PM
    How is everyone feeling at day 29?!
    Food, Agriculture, and Land Use Learn More about Regenerative Agriculture
    Clean air, clean water and healthy food are just three reasons to care about regenerative agriculture. What are some other reasons? How could/does regenerative agriculture positively impact you and your community?

    Krista Rivera's avatar
    Krista Rivera 4/29/2021 5:49 PM
    Wow, that TED Talk was great. I love the question the presenter's grandson asked him: "Why do we have to kill things to grow things?" The answer? We don't! We should care about regnerative agriculture because it allows the landscape and living things to thrive, which promotes biodiversity, natural plant pest-resistancy, carbon sequestration, and natural BEAUTY! Kiss the Ground is an awesome documentary that talks all about this stuff and the challenge of convincing farmers using standard industrial agricultural practices to switch to the regenerative side...
    Industry Learn About & Practice Sustainable Fashion
    How can you express your personality, creativity, and values in ways that don't require fast fashion or buying more clothes and accessories?

    Krista Rivera's avatar
    Krista Rivera 4/29/2021 5:25 PM
    I can express all of those things while still avoiding over-consumption by using what I already have in new ways - creative repurposing - and by mending what I already have that might not be in the best shape. I can also donate excess clothing that I am not using to local thrift shops that I know give back to the community in positive ways and take care of their workers.

  • Kathryn Davidson's avatar
    Kathryn Davidson 4/29/2021 5:42 AM
    Dear everyone, today I took the time to write to 5 elected officials about responsible forestry.  A good place to go to copy and past language to add to your emails is: I hope everyone will take the time out to do this. Though BIden's plan is the most aggressive plan to combat climate change that we've ever had, there are many obstacles in the way. We must keep the pressure on.  Here's some useful language from the Sierra Club: "Most of North America’s largest timber companies are wedded to a model of intensive, industrial forestry that is far from climate friendly. We need to reward long-rotation, lower-impact logging if we are serious about tackling climate." change.

  • Kathryn Davidson's avatar
    Kathryn Davidson 4/29/2021 4:42 AM
    30 days has September, April, June and November... this is our penultimate day.  I discovered that heat pumps are not the right answer if you have radiators... 

  • Krista Rivera's avatar
    Krista Rivera 4/28/2021 6:34 PM
    I'm surprised by the small changes I find myself making, such as turning off the water when in the middle of scrubbing dishes - this eco-challenge is really making me reflect upon the importance of the "little things"!
    Food, Agriculture, and Land Use Reduce Animal Products
    Why do people in richer countries eat more meat than people in other places? How does eating more meat affect our bodies, our planet, and other people?

    Krista Rivera's avatar
    Krista Rivera 4/28/2021 6:31 PM
    Meat production is often an expensive process, whereas a plant-based diet can be grown in one's backyard, making it more affordable. Eating a lot of meat, processed and red meat in particular, can increase health risks (like heart disease) when not consumed in moderation. Eating meat affects the planet because meat production can lead to the clearing of forests/destruction of habitats (decreasing biodiversity), the use of dangerous pesticides to cultivate animal food, and the production of greenhouse gases.
    Transportation Go for a Daily Walk
    What have you noticed on your daily walks? What have you enjoyed? What infrastructure changes could make your walks more enjoyable or possible?

    Krista Rivera's avatar
    Krista Rivera 4/28/2021 6:19 PM
    I notice that my walks are an opportunity to quite literally catch my breath - slow down. I have enjoyed being attentive to the world around me and detaching from my digital devices. I think having trees along the main road by me would be nice - give people something other than stores to look at.