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April 1 - April 30, 2021

Deloitte Houston Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Kayla Cherry's avatar
    Kayla Cherry 4/27/2021 2:13 PM
    Hey Houston team! 

    Just like that, it's the end of the month! I want to announce revisions for prizes below:
    1. First place - $50 gift card to local business of choice
    2. Second place - $30 gift card to local business of choice
    3. Third place - $20 gift card to local business of choice
    I will announce winners on 4/30 and will reach out to winners individually soon after to choose their gift cards. Proud of everyone who checked in this month--enjoy the website while you can this week and keep logging points for a chance at these prizes!

  • Kayla Cherry's avatar
    Kayla Cherry 4/05/2021 10:09 AM
    Hey Houston team!

    The Ecochallenge is only a few days in, so be sure to check your Actions and see how you can start earning points! With daily actions, everyone can earn a few points every day, especially for some of the easier tasks. As people complete tasks, the platform will track our impact under the “Impacts” tab at the Deloitte level, Team level, and individual level. You'll see that even by tracking the smallest things, collective impact will add up --Deloitte already broke its record for participants this year!
    As always, let me know if you have any questions about managing your actions, and remember that anyone can join the challenge even though it's already started--so feel free to continue sending referral links to those you think may be interested!

  • Kayla Cherry's avatar
    Kayla Cherry 3/29/2021 6:11 PM
    As promised, here are the prizes for the Ecochallenge winners at the end of April!
    - $50 Patagonia gift card for team member with the most points
    - $25 gift card (from a local business, like Local foods!) for the team member with the coolest custom action
    - $25 gift card for the most inspiring reflection question response
    April 1 is not far away! Remember to click "Manage Actions" to choose your actions--if you still have questions about reflection questions and custom actions after that, feel free to ask me personally or just post to the feed!